Sci-Fi Drama Stage Play (2022)
A Filipino American family reunites with each other for a New Year’s Eve dinner in Queens, NY after a decade of estrangement. However, in the process, the family’s holiday is trapped in a Groundhog Day-type loop, where time repeats itself and unlocks a hidden, familial power that forces them to reckon with their secrets, memories, and relationships with each other. Lolo, the patriarch of the Quinones family, has engineered time for years, always to his liking. This evening, one of his granddaughters will intervene for the first time.

Photography by Zawan Mahmoud

Writer/Director - Shea Formanes
Produced by the Undergraduate Theater Society
Costume Designer, Hair and Makeup - Liv Vessenes
Lighting Designer - Kasia Perks
Sound Technician - Nap Miller

Amani Ennon as Young Lolo
Nyah Fonacier as Mom
Liam He as Dad
Alvina Hsiao as Sister
Derrick B. Johnson as Lolo
Sarah Wangari Mwangi as Girl
Abigail Tsai as Young Lola
Amisha Vij as Lola
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