Sci-fi Drama Feature Film (2024)
Seven years after the mysterious death of her mother, an isolated botanist meets an enigmatic, teenage runaway in a creek. Forming an unexpected bond, the two embark on a harrowing journey to confront their respective pasts, all while slowly realizing that they may not have to face their uncertain futures alone.

Writer/Director - Shea Formanes
Producers: Matthew Mee, Tony Kajino
1st AD - Melissa DiGiovine
Cinematographer - Jen Au
Gaffer - Dominique Salas
Editors - Sydney Caba, Kate Rogers, Shea Formanes
Colorists - Rachel Lee, Hunter Yae
Sound Editor - Xavier Parkins

Michelle Colman Padron as Ada
Taylor Freeman as Wren
Aarti Tiwari as Inez
Eloisa Cardona as Mirren
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